[plug] inane error messages

Gavin Rogers grogers at vk6hgr.echidna.id.au
Mon Feb 17 10:36:46 WST 2003


I always thought people were making this stuff up. People like bagging 
Linux for being terse at times, but this is at the complete opposite end of 
the scale and is totally pointless:

(From Windows 2000 server)

"Software Installation encountered an unexpected error while reading from 
the MSI file \\woody\encarta\RSDLXZR.msi.  The error was not serious enough 
to justify halting the operation.  The following error was encountered: The 
operation completed successfully."

If it worked, why bother me in the log about it with an error message?!?

Ugh, and it's still Monday...


Amateur radio station VK6HGR

Email : grogers at vk6hgr.echidna.id.au
Ampr  : grogers at vk6hgr.ampr.org
Packet: vk6hgr at vk6hgr.#per.#wa.aus.oc

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