[plug] internal modem device
Russell Steicke
r.steicke at bom.gov.au
Thu Jan 16 11:25:09 WST 2003
On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 10:39:46AM +0800, Tim Bowden wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have an internal modem that I know works with linux. It is in an old
> pc here at work and I need to get it going. how do I know what device
> it is?
Quick and dirty method:
Run minicom as root. Experiment with each serial device (/dev/ttyS0
through to /dev/ttyS4 are the most likely), setting comms parameters to
say, 9600N81 on each one, and typing "<return>AT<return>". One of them
should give you "OK" as a reply, or possibly a numeric code depending on
the modem setup. That one's your modem.
<Ctrl-A>P gives you the comms parameters menu in minicom. <Ctrl-A>Z
gives you the complete setup menu. <Ctrl-A>Q to exit minicom.
If you have a working serial mouse, you should find out what port that's
connected to, and exclude that port from your testing.
Russell Steicke
-- Fortune says:
HELP! Man trapped in a human body!
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