[plug] Resignation from PLUG committee.

Jason Nicholls jason at mindsocket.com.au
Sun Jan 26 11:44:36 WST 2003


On Sun, Jan 26, 2003 at 11:19:07AM +0800, James Bromberger wrote:
> A few moments ago I submitted my resignation from the PLUG committee as
> I am moving overseas on Monday. I was elected to the committee to run
> LCA, the formal part of which concluded yesterday. There is still tasks
> left to be done (settle bills, prepare and send the conference CD),
> however I have to leave this to the other capabale organisers.

I'm sure I'm speaking for everyone here when I thank you for all the time 
and effort you've put in LCA2003 (along with the other organisers). 
Your enthusiasm and ability to just get things done will be sorely 

Best of luck with your move!


Jason Nicholls
Jason Nicholls    icq: 11745841    email: <jason at mindsocket.com.au>
http://jason.mindsocket.com.au/    mobile: 0417 410 811
   pgp/gpg id: 0xC3844959  
  fingerprint: 7F7A 5846 4E94 459C 104D  A979 7079 24CF C384 4959

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