[plug] LinuxChix (OT)

Kimberly Shelt kim at linmagau.org
Tue Jan 28 22:59:34 WST 2003

On Tue, Jan 28, 2003 at 10:00:27PM +0800, Daniel wrote:
> I voted for Pia as Linux Australia President, who spoke brilliantly. 
> She has been approachable and enthusiastic.

Agreed, Lets hope more like Pia step up to the bat so to speak.
Whatever sex they may be:)
> I believe the Plug committee positions are coming up for election at the
> AGM (soon?).  Have you considered taking on a position? If so what kind
> of vision do you have for plug?

I have only  returned from overseas and only just recently stepped
back into this "lug" world..after a foray into the PHB space :)

I think that any postiions within the LUG should be filled by folks 
who know the "lay of the land" locally and can address the 
local communities issues with some history :) thus have an understanding
of what the plug members have as a vision for themselves :)


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