[plug] trying to use emacs "tags" facility

David Buddrige buddrige at wasp.net.au
Wed Jan 29 17:28:25 WST 2003

Hi all, 

I am told that there is a facility within emacs to define "tags".  My 
understanding of this facility is that it allows you to automatically 
navigate to the definition of a given class/function when going through 
C/C++ source code. 

However, I have not been able to figure out how the facility is supposed to 
work.  Based on the manual downloadable from www.gnu.org, I used the "etags' 
program to generate a TAGS file in the directory containing my source code.  
However from that point, I was not able to determine how the navigating 
actually works.  I tried running the "list-tags" function within emacs, but 
that was asking for the filename to list... does the tags facility actually 
allow you to navigate to a function definition from a point in the code 
where that function is actually used?  If so, could someone explain to me 
how?  Have I misunderstood the application/use of this facility? 

thanks heaps 


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