[plug] Custom Knoppix or Custom CD Distro (IRC)

Weirdo linuxalien at optusnet.com.au
Wed Jul 23 21:58:33 WST 2003

I am looking for a Linux solution to the following problem.
I need a CD based distro that can be customized. It needs to contain a 
good, easy to use IRC client(mainly for windoz dummys used to probably 
mIRC) as well as network card drivers with autodetect (like Knoppix 
autodetect of devices)
The cd needs to communicate with a Linux gateway that will only allow IRC. 
There will be about 10-15 computers all on the same network using IRC. The 
CD must not allow any hdd interaction or p2p/filesharing.
The CD must also be autobooting, i.e. not having to type kernel parameters, 
and difficult to 'remove' so that the primary OS isn't booted. So that 
means hard to shutdown with out a passwd or the likes so they can't reboot 
with the cd removed. It is only for a couple of days so we don't want to be 
passwd protecting bios's and such but just changing them so they boot from 
CD first.
The IRC client will probably have to be a X windows app and auto running at 
boot up and will restart its self when closed and auto get a channel 
listing from a selected source, nick name setting can be a dialog before 
starting the app or something like that.
p.s. just in case your wondering whats its for its for the Beeloo district 
to participate in JOTI ;)

weirdo at linuxalien.tk
Dot TK ambassador #24084 - For a free .tk domain please contact me

ICQ# 255176389
MSN weirdo at linuxalien.tk

Riverton, Perth, WA

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