[plug] Re: August issue of Australian Developer

Kimberly Shelt kim at linmagau.org
Fri Jul 25 15:59:46 WST 2003

On Fri, Jul 25, 2003 at 03:53:17PM +0800, Bernd Felsche wrote:
> Why don't you _tailor_ the print version to subscriber preferences?
> i.e. subscribers get to customise content (through the web site)
> based on the various magazine sections. Then, when you "publish";
> off go the "presses", bundling appropriate pdfs off to each
> subscriber who wants them by email.

Sounds like a terrific idea.. I shall put it on my stack of todo's
to research and figure out :) 
> The idea is so simple it should be patented. :-)

> There are some sections that some people will never read; so why
> bundle them into a pdf?

I do hope not.. so far there has never been a section that has not
been visited..  ever ! :)

> You can then sell advertising based on subscription levels of each
> section that'll be "in print", as well as hits on the web site.


Thanks for the feedback

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