[plug] Bernard's talk tonight: free scientific & educational CDs
Leon Brooks
leon at brooks.fdns.net
Tue Jun 10 12:35:30 WST 2003
I'll be there after finishing at a West Perth customer's site, and will have a
few copies of Quantian 0.2, Freeduc and OSEF's shiny new Knoppix-Edu CDs with
me. Should I make them prizes for asking Bernard intelligent questions, or
just hand them out to whoever asks?
Quantian: http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com/quantian.html
Freeduc: http://www.ofset.org/projects/edusoft/edusoft.html
OSEF CD: http://www.osef.org/ & http://www.seul.org/edu/report97.html
Ben, if you give me write access I can push the Quantian and OSEF ISOs at you
over WAIX. It'll take overnight because my up speed is only 128kB (ArachNet
DSL) but it's a gig and a half for no cost. Same offer applies to anyone else
on WAIX who wants to mirror these. 3FL already has a freeduc mirror.
Cheers; Leon
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