[plug] M$ buys RAV antivirus, sad.

Peter Weatherall weatherd at netvtise.com.au
Wed Jun 11 17:19:22 WST 2003

Craig Ringer wrote:

>> What's a bet that that one or more AV companies will secretly write a
>> virus that targets or even exploits it?
> No bet. They won't have to. Much easier to wait for the usual people 
> to do it, then proclaim that their product will /really/ protect you. 
> If MS does integrate a virus scanner (and remember, I'm only guessing 
> about that being the purpose of this buyout), it probably won't be 
> long before something comes along that can avoid then disable it.
> Unless, of course, you're running MS Palladium. In that case, the 
> virus scanner will no doubt not be disabled. Though the virus/exploit 
> will still probably bypass the virus scanner, it won't be able to 
> damage it nor the user's certified apps. Of course, the user won't be 
> able to see what their certified apps and OS components are doing or 
> mess with them, either... no thanks.
> My home box has a win2k partition, and it's never been anywhere near a 
> virus scanner. It's not needed if the user has a brain, the PC in 
> question doesn't even know how to connect to the 'net and it is never 
> used to do anything beyond the odd game anyway. The DHCP server on my 
> home LAN identifies that my PC has booted into windows by the client 
> identifier, and sends a different reply. Same address, but it doesn't 
> set the gateway - no 'net access for you.
> Craig
This is the only page I can find concerned with  the  successor to 
Palladium called NGSCB ( pronounced enscub) .
and  has this statement about virii .

    * Sealed storage, a new encryption technology that allows programs
      to protect data from viruses and Trojans.

Another useful link
You never need to know too much with Microsoft .

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