[plug] Database advice - Newbie

Onno Benschop onno at itmaze.com.au
Tue Jun 24 11:59:39 WST 2003

On Tue, 2003-06-24 at 11:43, James Devenish wrote:
> In message <1056418022.1025.33.camel at latte.internal.itmaze.com.au>
> on Tue, Jun 24, 2003 at 09:27:02AM +0800, Onno Benschop wrote:
> > Being someone who uses only PHP to do database work, I can tell you that
> > I've not seen any issues with trustworthiness and I must confess that
> > getting something working in PHP is trivial.
> I must be missing something. I've found (and perhaps because my
> experiences are coloured by what it was like when working with DBs under
> PHP in 1999/2000) that I can act like a "d*mb bl*nde" when using JDBC
> and the consequences are correct all round (incl. the back end, which I
> don't directly touch with my Java code). With PHP, I find I have to "set
> the scene" and really cross-check what's going on (have been bitten
> repeatedly). Also, some of my early JDBC experience included a query
> construction "kit" (if I can call it that) which was really smooth
> compared to trying to manipulate SQL queries. I especially don't like
> constructing SQL text queries with PHP (is there another way?).

Now I'm missing something.

I' not sure what you're asking here, probably because I'm not familiar
with JDBC because I swore-off Java as another evil ploy to introduce OOP
into my life :-)

A simple Hello World in PHP would look like this:

	$dbHost = "mysql_host" ;
	$dbUser = "mysql_user" ;
	$dbPass = "mysql_password" ;
	$dbFile = "my_database" ;

	mysql_pconnect($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPass) ;
	mysql_select_db($dbFile) ;

	$select = "SELECT * FROM my_table";
	$dbResult = mysql_query($select) ;

	while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($dbResult)) {
		echo implode("\t",$row)."\n" ;

(Yes, there is error checking missing and we don't do anything other
than output the raw data.)

Given this, what does it look like in JDBC?

Onno Benschop 

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