[plug] Distribution Help

Tim Bowden bowden at iinet.net.au
Tue Jun 24 15:53:19 WST 2003

Colin Trueman wrote:

>Hi all,
>I attended the workshop last night. Good atmosphere and friendly people.
>Unfortunatley due to time/resource constraints I didn't get time to burn a
>Can anyone help with a copy of RH9 and Debian Woody that i can
>borrow-burn-return, or could burn for me (i have plenty or CDR).  I am in
>the Riverton area SOR but I can travel and pick up in the metro area.  I'd
>like to get my friends started with linux before I have to depart to the
>east again.
>Colin Trueman

I have rh9 and am in Riverton.  If you want a copy tonight send me an 
email off list and I will burn a copy for you.

Tim Bowden

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