[plug] I had a really Bad Dream

Arie Hol arie99 at ozemail.com.au
Sun May 18 23:53:31 WST 2003

At 11:47 PM 18-05-2003 +0800, Michael Hunt wrote:

>Recommended cure is to pour yourself a small glass of Baileys, dip the
>tim-tam in it and stir. Eat the tim-tam and repeat procedure as often as
>is necessary. Replenish glass when empty. Baileys can be substituted
>with some port or brandy depending on what you have in the liquor
>Do not eat lobster as history has shown that such consumption before bed
>can produce nightmares of Frankenstein proportions.

Damn !! we are all out of small glasses !!

Regards Arie


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