[plug] Interface not being brought up on bootup

Cameron Patrick cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Mon Nov 10 14:59:00 WST 2003

On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 02:36:47PM +0800, James Devenish wrote:
| From reading the bug reports, I gather that the output of
| those tests would have indicated that Michael's ifconfig is *not* being
| supplied by net-tools but by another package (what does `dpkg -S
| /sbin/ifconfig` say?).

(After temporarily installing inetutils-tools on my own machine...)

If inetutils-tools is installed, /sbin/ifconfig will still be owned by
net-tools.  inetutils-tools installs a /usr/bin/ifconfig.  'which
ifconfig' reports /usr/bin/ifconfig as a normal user and /sbin/ifconfig
as root; but ifup seems to set the PATH to its own quirky value so it
will always prefer /usr/bin/ifconfig.

The maintainer of inetutils-tools should have something extraodinarily
painful inflicted upon him for this :-)


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