[plug] Resurrecting killed LG drives

Leon Brooks leon at brooks.fdns.net
Thu Nov 13 12:20:16 WST 2003

----------  Forward; originally to cooker at linux-mandrake.com  ----------

Subject: [Cooker] dead lg drives are not so dead
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 11:50
From: Brook Humphrey <DESPAMMED>

I copied this from pclinuxonline but I thought others here would like
to see this

LG offers a solution for their sub par devices:

Go to : http://us.lgservice.com/

Choose Product support, then Device driver, CD-ROM and "Emergency
         download for Physical Dead Drive from Mandrake Linux 9.2"

There is a Dead.gif file explaining the way to reflash the drive.

Does it work ?
New and improved with advanced outlook crash handler.
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If you have a "deaded" LG CD-ROM, please try this out and see if it 

Short story:

  1. remove all jumpers, then jumper the top pins of MA and CS together
     (ie put the jumper on sideways across the top pair of pins)

  2. hold the eject button while powering up (-: Ctrl-Alt-Eject? :-)

  3. release the eject button

  4. upload a new set of firmware ("xferlg q1lglx32" under DOS)

  5. replace the jumpers as they were

  6. reboot

Cheers; Leon

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