[plug] [article] Open Code Market (OCM)
Cameron Patrick
cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Fri Nov 14 15:24:19 WST 2003
On Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 02:31:09PM +0800, James Devenish wrote:
| Hehe, you missed the bit that said this:
| In message <Pine.LNX.4.33L2.0311141046350.4824-100000 at donau>
| on Fri, Nov 14, 2003 at 11:16:53AM +0800, Mike Holland wrote:
Oh. Re-reading the message it looks like you intermixed stuff that Mike
wrote with stuff that I wrote - very confusing. At least to me, anyway.
| > | That is how the GPL achieves its goals! By imposing these limits
| > | on your rights, the openness of your own work (when distributed) is
| > | ensured.
| >
| > Except that it doesn't limit the rights of authors of GPL'ed works,
| Yes it does: it limits copyright rights, like all the free software
| licenses.
No it doesn't. The authors still have all of the rights that copyright
grants them, and other people have /more/ than the rights granted by
copyright---in this case, the ability to be able to modify other
people's source code.
| > If you /do/ want to have these rights, you're welcome to /not/ license
| > your code under the GPL.
| No you're not: the GPL restricts the licensing of your code (if you wish
| to distribute your derivative or library-dependent works, that is).
No it doesn't. The GPL restricts the licensing of any derivative works.
You're welcome to license your additions to GPL'ed software under some
other licence. Of course, if you distribute it with the code that you
modified, you must also comply with the GPL, and you won't be able to
distribute the resulting binaries unless that license is GPL-compatible,
Any changes you make to GPL'ed code have to come under the GPL, which is
fair enough, because the only reason you're allowed to modify the code
at all is due to the GPL.
People license their work under the GPL because they want their work to
/remain/ open, no matter what some chap called James on the other side
of the world wants to do to it :-)
| > Too bloody lazy to check a dictionary (-:
| Okay. Though they have them online these days ;-P `apt-get install dict`
| and all -- though I'm not sure about prevelance of dict-accessible
| Australian dictionaries ;-)
Ahh, neat. dict (using the default, presumably Merkin, dictionary)
lists both licence and license as both nouns and verbs, just to confuse
me. It's probably closer to the way most people use the words, though -
much like affect/effect, practice/practise and their ilk.
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