[plug] WinModem Problem Again

Locke eternalv at eternalvisionz.com
Mon Nov 17 23:55:10 WST 2003

Ok, after finally being able to try and solve my winmodem problem on my Mandrake (uni has kept my free time to a minimum), I found the drivers needed on linmodems.org and got around to burning the files on CD and transporting it to Mandrake. I then install the RPM file, clicking on Yes after Mandrake prompted me by saying it has a bad signature or something along those lines and ask if I wanted to continue (i'm a beginner at Linux, first time using it). So basically after that I entered the console and configured the driver to work with my winmodem. And so I thought I solved the problem. I then enter the Mandrake Control Panel and set about going into the wizard to detect my modem. And there comes the error message again. Mandrake detected my winmodem and I still can't use it to connect to the Internet using Mandrake, even after installing the drivers needed. I'm not sure if I actually followed the right process with this, so any help or advice will be hugely appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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