zsh and screen (was: Re: [plug] console scroll)

James Devenish devenish at guild.uwa.edu.au
Thu Nov 27 15:10:33 WST 2003

In message <1069916410.26521.418.camel at latte.internal.itmaze.com.au>
on Thu, Nov 27, 2003 at 06:00:11PM +1100, Onno Benschop wrote:
> If in this day and age I am required to edit text I use and prefer
> nedit.

Indeed, users of nedit tend to recommend it highly. (I assume you're
quite serious about your nedit comment, of course.)

> You silly people never seemed to have heard of a mouse or a gui,

I'm a Mac user, so I assure you I've heard of both ;-)

> <Job well done, more fat on the fire, add in some man vs. info bashing,
> make a comment about web-browsers, should throw in some disparaging
> comment about Linux...>

Is there a hidden webcam in this room, 'cos I swear you're reading my
TODO list ;-) (I really *am* joking.)

> See, my public service announcement works, now I even type messages to
> the list without the need to actually type or hit send... I'm working
> on the same principle to get software written

Definitely works on this list, doesn't it?

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