[plug] tmpwatch question

Jon Miller jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Sun Oct 19 10:10:33 WST 2003

Since tmpwatch is supposed to delete all files in a directory every 4 hours
tmpwatch --atime 4 /var/spool/mmsmtp/quarantine/
Is there a reason why certain files does not delete?  These are files that have not been accessed or modified since they were created.  Also, is there a way to either 1) stop tmpwatch or/and 2) change it's parameters (e.g does issuing another command take precedence over the existing command)?


Jon L. Miller, MCNE, CNS, ASE
Director/Sr Systems Consultant
MMT Networks Pty Ltd

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure
 is trying to please everybody." -Bill Cosby
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