[plug] IDE tape drive [solution]

Jon Miller jlmiller at mmtnetworks.com.au
Mon Sep 29 15:41:23 WST 2003

Excuse me for not seeing the beginning of this thread, but I wanted to know is when you go into the BIOS is the ide channel disabled, auto or another setting?  What is the channel set to initially?


Jon L. Miller, MCNE, CNS, ASE
Director/Sr Systems Consultant
MMT Networks Pty Ltd

"I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure
 is trying to please everybody." -Bill Cosby

>>> zombie at penguincare.com.au 2:44:21 PM 29/09/2003 >>>
On 28 Sep 2003, quoth Onno Benschop:

> Two HDD on IDE0 one Tape on IDE1 as Master - second channel is not
> recognised by Linux anymore, even though the BIOS shows all three
> devices.
> Now that it works, who needs to know this problem? Is it a BIOS issue,
> is it a Kernel issue - who do I tell?

I'm convinced it's a BIOS issue, since the error message with only the
tape drive plugged in (or nothing at all plugged in) resulted in the
kernel message "neither IDE port enabled (BIOS)"

Having the tape drive plugged into the 1st channel and the HDDs into the
2nd resulted in Linux only seeing ide1 not ide0

The BIOS should not be disabling the IDE channel just because (it thinks)
there is nothing plugged into it.  If the channel wasn't disabled Linux
would have had no trouble finding the tape drive, even if the BIOS
couldn't see it.

Stranger still the BIOS saw the tape drive fine, yet it still saw fit to
report the channel as disabled to Linux.

- Matt

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