[plug] LinmagAU

Ben Jensz plug at jensz.id.au
Fri Apr 2 21:21:13 WST 2004

Senectus - wrote:

> I feel that if we can get a handful of guy^H^H^H  People together to 
> run the site as is for a few months, then if all looks stable, we'll 
> talk about rebuilding and financing into something with the same 
> "structure" and design philosophy but better technical implementation 
> (not that I'm saying its badly done now, but there is always something 
> better... its part of being a geek).

As skribe has mentioned, PHP-Nuke has serious security issues (and it 
has done for a few years now ).  So based on what Kim has said, it 
sounds like its more than likely that PHP-Nuke is where the point of 
attack has been.  Especially considering the profile of the site on 
places such as Slashdot.  By the way, don't take it that I'm saying 
anything negative about the way that you did Linmagau in the past Kim, I 
think you've done a great job of it.. and I think that has been shown 
through the fact that so many people have put their hands up after its 
gone down. :)

So what happens if you put all the time and effort into running it for a 
couple of months under the same structure and it all comes to a 
screaming halt again and you're left to try and rebuild it *again*.  You 
certainly wouldn't be a happy camper.

So personally I think if its going to be resurrected, maybe a slightly 
different system is devised to undertake the task this time... so that 
past issues are learnt from and not re-enacted.

/ Ben

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