[plug] putty for Red Hat Linux 7.3
Bret Busby
bret at busby.net
Tue Apr 13 17:14:36 WST 2004
I need to use putty.
In searching the Internet for a putty RPM for Red Hat Linux 7.3, the
only site with RPM's that I found, was at
I have gone to that web site, and to other websites that have his putty;
I have downloaded the RPM, after problems from one of the sites,
requiring a real audio plugin (to download an RPM?) and, having managed
to download the RPM file, I could not install it.
gnorpm crashed repeatedly with an authorisation error (1974, I think,
from memory), and, when I tried to use the command line rpm installer;
rpm -i <package name>, an error was returned;
"error: unpacking of archive failed on file /usr/bin/puttygen; <hex
number that changes each time - assumed to be memory location>:cpio:
I was referred to the planetmirror ftp site, at
I cannot find putty on that web page, and I do not know whether some
package with another name, contains putty. Also, the files on that web
page, appear to be dated up to April 2002, a couple of years ago, and my
system was last updated in about January, I think, when a new kernel for
RH 7.3, was released.
Does anyone have any helpful advice, as to how I can get putty up and
running on my system?
Thanks in anticipation.
Bret Busby
West Australia
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you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
Chapter 28 of
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
A Trilogy In Four Parts",
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