[plug] X-Box and Spark

Matt Kemner zombie at penguincare.com.au
Wed Aug 25 15:41:19 WST 2004

Hi All

As some of you already know, Linux IT moved to Subiaco last week.

We are currently sharing a broadband (SHDSL) connection so we can not host
PLUG here, so I decided to have some additional IPs routed to my house and
host PLUG there.

Of course since I have a bridged ADSL connection at home I had to wait for
Telstra to do the routing at the exchange, and they managed to completely
kill my ADSL for 48 hours... (after taking 10 days to even make the

The PLUG servers are currently still hosted at our old office in Hilton,
but I will go there this afternoon and move them home - so PLUG will be
offline for a few hours.

I will endeavour to have them back online as soon as possible.


 - Matt Kemner
   Linux IT

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