[plug] Binary Clock
Simon Scott
sscott at iinet.net.au
Sun Feb 1 11:15:10 WST 2004
On Sun, 1 Feb 2004 18:56, Shayne O'Neill wrote:
> ...then I got a C64
and if you're like me, 15 years later you still have a C64/1541-II/1084S setup
behind you, and are wondering where you put your 'Beach Head II' disk because
you want to play it, and you know the XM1541 cable is in the shed somewhere
(somewhere amongst the c64s, 1541s, Atari 2600s, amigas and boxes and boxes
and boxes of games) but you cant find it which is stopping you from playing
the recently found complete version of 'Solar Jetman' which you can
.....someone help me
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