[plug] Re: [OT] Television

Scott Middleton scott at linuxit.com.au
Mon Feb 2 10:47:56 WST 2004

On Mon, 2004-02-02 at 10:06, James Devenish wrote:
> [This is starting to shape up as a flame-war.]

I don't make it a habit to post OT. But i thought i would make an
exception today. :) 

I love TV.

"It gives so much and ask so little" - Homer Simpson

I love waking in the morning when my wife is still asleep to sounds of
Nero and his amoral mother plotting murder. Watching Alexander give the
Persians are good what-for. Seeing the real story behind Bonnie and
Clyde. Discovering why pyramids all over the world look the same.
Sometime even a rare treat; the biography. I love Discovery and the
History channel.

But hey i also love the high ideals of the Federation, hoping there is
way it will come true. The intricate and often delicate story lines of
the classic movies. The shock of the horror flick and the nail-biting
suspense of the thriller. I love it when there is intelligence behind
the writing and consistency that can hold up to more than casual
scrutiny. I love it when my childhood dreams come true and see Bilbo,
Frodo and Gandalf right there in front me. Taking away all the ravages
of adulthood and hurtling me back to the 10 year old child i was first
discovering Elves.

There is no virtue in denying TV. 

P.S. Oh and i Like to brew my own beer at a micro brewery too. I
sometimes use Linux. Every now and then i read a book while watching TV,
reading Email and surfing the net. Mind you, then i sort of lose track
of everything i am doing :)

> In message <200402020939.27813.leon at brooks.fdns.net>
> on Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 09:39:27AM +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:
> > On Mon, 2 Feb 2004 08:59, James Devenish wrote:
> > > - you rely on a particular "stereotype" to put forward your argument
> > >   (singular);
> > False. That's experience, not stereotype.
> > >  - you fail to acknowledge experiences outside the stereotype;
> > False. I've swapped experiences with many other people,...and yet
> > they've come to very similar conclusions about the idiot box.
> It surprises me that all these people are able to extract so little use
> from the television (makes me wonder what is being watched).
> > and abnegation is an instance of self-control.
> So are some prominent nutriment-deprivation disorders. "Self control"
> isn't a complete argument on its own, particularly given that it is not
> necessary to watch all materials that are shown on television: it is
> actually possible to use discretion when watching non-zero quantities of
> TV!
> > I hope you're not arguing that self-control is a bad thing to teach
> > children?
> So this *is* a flamewar!
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Scott Middleton <scott at linuxit.com.au>
Linux Information Technology

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