[plug] Re: [OT] Television

James Devenish devenish at guild.uwa.edu.au
Mon Feb 2 13:23:55 WST 2004


In message <20040202042322.GC19927 at patrick.wattle.id.au>
on Mon, Feb 02, 2004 at 12:23:22PM +0800, Cameron Patrick wrote:
> Hmm.  Most of the time I regard the TV as a form of mindless
> entertainment rather than of being any real use.

Have you never heard someone's name pronounced correctly during Behind
the News, never watched wild animals hunting in a David Attenborough
documentary, never seen an episode of Dr Who taking good care of his
companions, never been inspired to make a game out of something you saw
on Play School, never seen an impractical-to-replicate experiment on The
Curiosity Show, never seen a telecast of an event you couldn't attend,
and never understood the allusional satire of The Simpsons? Well, maybe
you haven't. <shrug/>

> you think that people should watch 2--4 hours of telly per /day/!?

That's misconstruing what I said.

> | > and abnegation is an instance of self-control.
> | 
> | So are some prominent nutriment-deprivation disorders.
> What's a nutriment? ;-)

I'm too dim to work out what the joke is, so I'll just respond with a
quotation from a dictionary:

nutriment ('nju:trIm at nt) /n/ any material providing nourishment. [ORIG]
C16: from L /nu:tri:mentum/, from /Nu:tri:re/ to nourish.

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