[plug] Re: [OT] Television

Cameron Patrick cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Mon Feb 2 12:23:22 WST 2004

James Devenish wrote:

| [This is starting to shape up as a flame-war.]

Perhaps;  I find it more interesting than a lot of the on-topic
discussion at the moment though, so I'll keep feeding the fire for a
bit.  :-)

| It surprises me that all these people are able to extract so little use
| from the television (makes me wonder what is being watched).

Hmm.  Most of the time I regard the TV as a form of mindless
entertainment rather than of being any real use.  Perhaps I should turn
it around and ask you, what /is/ of so much value to you that makes you
think that people should watch 2--4 hours of telly per /day/!?

| > and abnegation is an instance of self-control.
| So are some prominent nutriment-deprivation disorders.

What's a nutriment? ;-)


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