[plug] National Bank against open source

Leon Blackwell leon at lostrealm.com
Wed Feb 4 11:19:23 WST 2004

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 10:50:18AM +0800, Lawrie Abbott wrote:
> "We are aware that the standard version of Mozilla currently works with 
> our site but will not be including it in the browser detection script as 
> it is an open source application."

Yes, because (as we all know) open source applications are only used by
hackers and leftwing-rightwing techno-terrorists (this term was once
used to describe linux users on a certain university campus).

> Anyone know of of a more open source (Linux/Mozilla) friendly bank?

Anyone but the NAB, apparently.  I can vouch for ANZ, whose interface
seems to work on any browser I can throw at it, including
all the Mozilla/Gecko-based browsers, Konqueror, and even NS4.7x (which
even I won't support anymore).

Vote with your dollars, people.

 Leon Blackwell                | The length of a film should be
 http://www.lostrealm.com/     | directly related to the endurance of
 jabber:lionfire at lostrealm.com | the human bladder.
                               |                     -- Alfred Hitchcock

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