[plug] Finding a font

James Devenish devenish at guild.uwa.edu.au
Tue Feb 17 09:15:47 WST 2004

In message <20040216234849.0bf10147.harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au>
on Mon, Feb 16, 2004 at 11:48:49PM +0800, Harry wrote:
> That is, there's arabic chars I can't read but it looks the business.
> I can't figure out which font to install to make it work on a lighter
> woody (aka Computer Angels) installation.

Page looks fine on my Debian workstation. gfontsel tells me that there's
only one "Arabic" font available: 'newspaper'. xlsfonts lists:
-arabic-newspaper-medium-r-normal--32-246-100-100-p-137-iso10646-1 You
can use xfd to display the characters. Looks promising. `locate
fonts.dir | xargs fgrep newspaper`:


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