[plug] [mary at slug.org.au: [lug] Press request: Legitimate uses of P2P]

senectus senectuskal at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 18 14:20:24 WST 2004

Would you call W.A.S.T.E. a P2P file sharing program?
It doesn't run under linux as of yet.. though you didn't mention that was a

-----Original Message-----
From: plug-admin at plug.linux.org.au [mailto:plug-admin at plug.linux.org.au] On
Behalf Of Kimberly Shelt
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February 2004 5:11 PM
To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
Subject: [plug] [mary at slug.org.au: [lug] Press request: Legitimate uses of

----- Forwarded message from Mary Gardiner <mary at slug.org.au> -----

From: Mary Gardiner <mary at slug.org.au>
To: slug at slug.org.au, LA LUG List <lug at lists.linux.org.au>
Mail-Followup-To: slug at slug.org.au,
	LA LUG List <lug at lists.linux.org.au>
Subject: [lug] Press request: Legitimate uses of P2P
Date: Tue, 17 Feb 2004 16:03:30 +1100

SLUG committee has had a reporter request the contact details of people
who are making legitimate (by which I presume he means legal) use of P2P
technologies. He's looking for 'experts' to comment, but the article is
for laypeople.

If you are willing to comment on your use of P2P technology, please
contact the SLUG committee, and we'll pass your details on.

Feel free to pass this onto your own LUG lists, get people to mail SLUG
committee with their details. Details probably needed soon: within 24 or
48 hours.

lug mailing list
lug at lists.linux.org.au

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plug at plug.linux.org.au

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