[plug] mandrake 9.4 startup

filpee filpee at iinet.net.au
Thu Feb 19 19:56:57 WST 2004

I think you've hit it
They are both setup as rwxr--r--
Now I'm pretty new at this but from memory this means full access to owner
But only readable to everyone else
If this is the case I expect that it's the user "system" that would be
To run this file there fore I need to set permissions to rwxr--r-x. is this

-----Original Message-----
From: plug-admin at plug.linux.org.au [mailto:plug-admin at plug.linux.org.au] On
Behalf Of Cameron Patrick
Sent: Thursday, 19 February 2004 7:45 PM
To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
Subject: Re: [plug] mandrake 9.4 startup

filpee wrote:

| /etc/firewall_script
| /etc/shaper_script

This may sound obvious, but are the above two scripts marked executable?


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