[plug] Php config

smclevie at ozemail.com.au smclevie at ozemail.com.au
Thu Jan 1 12:00:20 WST 2004

Hi all,

I have a fresh install from 0.  It is a Debian stable.  I have installed (using apt-get) absolutely everything.

I am trying to get a web server with Postgresql, Php and Apache

I have transferred various config files from previous attempts.

I am happy to say that I can do each of the following in a rudimentary way:

- file access from XP with samba
- internet sharing and firewalling with ipmasq
- web server with apache

(rudimentary means with only the bare changes in config files to allow access etc. so nothing very privileged or protected etc.  I am pretty much at defaults)

HOWEVER.  Php4 does NOT work out of the box

One thing at a time ... (I don't know about postgres at this point I have just apt-getted it only)

Does anyone know where the most soothingly seamless and up-to-date installation guide for this is on the web?

How to get php4 working with a minimum of fuss...

I note from a previous post that Debian is the most documented Linux around so I should think the article I am chasing will be readily available.  I just can't seem to find a Debian-specific guide...



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