[plug] Bridging in ADSL modems

ranime ranime at westnet.com.au
Thu Jul 15 18:52:58 WST 2004

(Sorry, I should have seen the Subject name change.)

with regard to the following that you wrote...

"It should be like a DSL modem plugged into a hub/switch,
  with all PCs also plugged into the same hub/switch."

Are you saying that this is how it is with a built in switch ?...
this is how you would prefer to set up,bridged or not bridged,
with a seperate modem and a seperate router and switch,
and then if required, a seperate wireless unit?

I just need a little clarification please.
thank you.

Craig Ringer wrote:

 > Be aware that if you were to put a DSL router with wireless 
functionality in to bridged mode, you'd lose the wireless router 
functionality. I'm not sure exactly how wireless routers work in bridged 
mode, but it's probably not going to be how you'd want if you want 
wireless 'net access.
 > A device with a built-in switch probably also won't work quite how 
you expect when in bridged mode - it will work, and you'll be able to 
share 'net access between the connected PCs via the gateway PC, but 
there are IMHO some issues with that layout, as I've mentioned in 
previous discussion. It should be like a DSL modem plugged into a 
hub/switch, with all PCs also plugged into the same hub/switch.
 > I use a DSL router in bridged mode, plus a separate wireless AP. Then 
again, I like to lock down wireless connections very solidly.
 > A wireless DSL router in PPPoE (non-bridged) mode is likely to do the 
job quite well enough if you're not too concerned about control over 
 >> I have just discovered that the local exchange is only 100mtrs away,
 >> looking good, so now is the time for me to apply for ADSL !
 > VHDSL, here we come!
 > (I only wish...)
 > --
 > Craig Ringer

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