[plug] Weird network fallover?

Ryan ryan at is.as.geeky.as
Fri Jul 23 14:50:34 WST 2004

On Fri, 2004-07-23 at 14:39, Marc Wiriadisastra wrote:
> It might be completely unrelated but I had a similar incident and it 
> just happened that all that was happening was that the win box didn't 
> like dhcpd for some reason.  So all I did was make it static and it worked.

ditto. I i think it was dhclient I've had problems with in the past.  It
daemonises and will repeatedly request IPs at seemingly random times -
sometimes even if you have no interfaces designated as dynamic.  If
you've manually assigned an IP to the interface, it will wipe it out
with DHCP information when it feels like it.  Be worth checking if
dhclient or variants are lurking in the process list unnecessarily


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