[plug] ownership

Marc Wiriadisastra marc-w at smlintl.com.au
Thu Jul 29 16:02:30 WST 2004

James Devenish wrote:

>In message <4108A778.40304 at smlintl.com.au>
>on Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 03:30:00PM +0800, Marc Wiriadisastra wrote:
>>1. How do I enforce something going into a folder to be changed to the 
>>permissions of that folder ignoring what the users rights are.
>>e.g. I have on my desktop a folder I transfer
>Via what means are you transferring those files?
Ok I'm transferring the files using Open Office as in save as or kde 
using kde as in copy and paste or Konsole.

>>2. I can't seem to login to the computer as anything but root as soon as 
>>I put my password in putty dies turns off?  Now if I ssh into it using 
>>the ssh marc-w at blah.com.au it spits out this error in the /var/log/messages
>>Jul 29 15:19:20 dhcp-192-168-0-104 gdm(pam_unix)[2454]: session opened 
>>for user marc-w by (uid=0)
>Um...I don't quite understand either your description or the relevance
>of the log lines. I imagine that you are using PuTTY to connect from a
>Windows machine to a Linux machine over a network. However, the above
>log lines pertain to "gdm", which is a Linux display manager (i.e.
>pretty much nothing to do with SSH).
I did that as an example to get an error message I use putty in linux 
cause the text is really tiny and its easier to use so instead of using 
konsole and ssh'ing I installed putty and just do that.

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