[plug] Re: plug at plug introspection
James Devenish
devenish at guild.uwa.edu.au
Wed Jun 9 20:56:15 WST 2004
In message <20040609074954.GA31907 at grail.lostrealm.com>
on Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 03:49:55PM +0800, Leon Blackwell wrote:
> Bringing this back into the realm of on-topic-ness, a few friends and I
> have noticed that most lists aren't at the same level they used to be
> (debian-security is our favourite example: once very insightful, now
> populated by newbies screaming about how someone p1ng0r3d their b0x3n
> and maybe that's why UT2004 is running slower than Tux Racer).
> Are there are PLUG-like lists that people subscribe to that are of a
> more technical nature?
But what drives the discussion on the PLUG list? It's the questions and
news items that are posted, right? So if it is true that the list is not
currently hosting a string of erudite threads, I think it would be fair
to explain that as "seasonal variation". It surprises me to hear someone
suggest that plug at plug is not a technical list -- it gets extremely
'expert' or technical at times. But as I've not been subscribed to
plug at plug for very long, perhaps I am not seeing some trend that has
been developing over very many years?
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