Searching the archives - was Re: e-mail list etiquette again [was: Re: [plug] packaged brand-name PCs vs custom]

Shayne O'Neill shayne at
Fri Jun 11 13:38:21 WST 2004

Whoa.... lurker is nice

Notice another plug (philipines linux user group) uses it too :)

Hmm. Might be a good one for another bunch of Lists I maintain.

"the vast majority of Iraqis want to live in a peaceful, free world. And
we will find these people and we will bring them to justice."
George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Oct. 27, 2003

Shayne O'Neill.

On Fri, 11 Jun 2004, Cameron Patrick wrote:

> Bret Busby wrote:
> | > While technically not searchable, you can use google to search for
> | > something specific:
> |
> | A few days ago, I tried searching using google, with the strings
> | "digital camera" and "linux", and the results that were returned,
> | included entries from the SUSE and Mandrake lists, but nothing from the
> | PLUG list.
> Shows a heck of a lot of posts to the PLUG list for me.
> I've also read about a mailing list archiver called Lurker.
> It has decent search functionality (something which the current PLUG
> archives don't have at all), a nifty threaded display with arrows and
> stuff, and generally looks spiffy.  The web site claims that it can
> handle gigabytes of mail without slowing down, though whether it would
> be practical to run on our 25 MHz Spark I'm not so sure.
> Onno Benschop wrote:
> | I'm not suggesting that this be adopted, nor that it is the definitive
> | list, but perhaps it will assist in the improvement of the signal to
> | noise ratio of this list.
> |
> | Initial modifications made to suit this list:
> You mean s/WAMUG/PLUG/ :-P
> Cameron.
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