[plug] [motigo3 at yahoo.com: saving on floppies]
Cameron Patrick
cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Thu Jun 17 13:39:34 WST 2004
I'm forwarding this to the PLUG list because I think this is a more
useful destination than webmasters at plug. (Actually I'm not sure it
belongs anywhere near PLUG... what /is/ "Windows 97" anyway?)
If you want to reply, remember to CC the original poster as I don't
think he's on the list.
----- Forwarded message from shive samy <motigo3 at yahoo.com> -----
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 22:33:18 -0700 (PDT)
To: webmaster at plug.org.au
From: shive samy <motigo3 at yahoo.com>
Subject: saving on floppies
Dear Sirs,
After typing a letter in windows 97 mode I tried to
save in floppy by clickin on the floppy icon in SAVE
but it does not save.I opened Home and file manager
and floppy drive.Can you advise me how to connect the
floppy drive and office org.
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