FTA (was: Re: [plug] xbox)

Shayne O'Neill shayne at guild.murdoch.edu.au
Fri Mar 5 18:09:32 WST 2004

Its quite scary losing the reverse engineering part.

My last 'big' job tended to involve reverse engineering RS232 wire
protocols for various bits of gear we where automating.

Often it was because the manuals where in some sort of convoluted engrish
, poorly documented or just that they didnt want us to have the info.

A DMCA would destroy the AV industry, and many more like it.

Its verry stupid law and designed to protect a minority in the music
industry against competition at the expense of the IT industry and many

"Must not Sleep! Must warn others!"
Shayne O'Neill. Indymedia. Fun.

On Thu, 4 Mar 2004, Harry wrote:

> On Thu, 4 Mar 2004 09:52:00 +0800 (WST) Matt Kemner <zombie at penguincare.com.au> wrote:
> > Hi Adrian
> >
> > On Wed, 3 Mar 2004, quoth Adrian Woodley:
> >
> > > 	I'm chasing anyone who had anything to do with the setup of plug's
> > > xbox.
> >
> > LinuxIT supplied the X-box, Frank Guidara supplied the mod chip and
> > organised to get it flashed with the cromwell firmware, Harry McNally
> > showed off his soldering skills and soldered the modchip to the xbox
> > and I did the Debian install.
> Actually, said modification, although of noble purpose will come under the
> illegal circumvention provisions of the DMCA as we proceed down the FTA route.
> Jeremy pointed this out in the First Wednesday talk (co-sponsored by SLPWA)
> last night. I'm drafting a letter to CC around all political flavours to
> explain that our ability to reverse engineer systems in Australia allows
> locally produced technology to be compatible with existing systems. Blind
> FTA obedience will dismantle that.
> I'm skeptical of the argument that USA companies will flock to buy our
> products and services. Instead the DMCA type legislation removes the part
> of the development cycle that we already acknowledge that we are good at;
> creative new science and technologies. IT and technology is the fall guy
> not sugar growers.
> Fortunately, acceptance of the FTA is a bit of an honour systems where
> each country modifies or introduces legislation to fiddle the legal
> landscape to match the spirit of the FTA.
> There are some loopholes so it is still possible that criticism of the
> IP provisions will result in "public interest" exceptions to the banning
> of all circumvention devices.
> The conversation at the meeting moved to whether any laws of this type
> are meaningless in the face of civil disobedience (or just ignoring the
> whole stupid law) but a far more useful approach is to work towards
> not getting stupid laws in the first place. Consider writing your own
> letter.
> Last night was a vocal, lively, and informative talk and I wonder whether
> Craig Ab. might consider Jeremy to talk at PLUG about the FTA provisions
> and their implications (if he's willing).
> cu
> Harry
> --
> Are you a computer angel?	http://www.computerangels.org.au/
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