[plug] [OT] Is your watch correct?

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Fri Mar 5 10:21:19 WST 2004

On Friday 05 March 2004 09:17, Alex Polglaze wrote:
> i, Mar 05, 2004 at 08:56:14AM +0800, Bernd Felsche wrote:
> >>Watches generally don't bother keeping track of the year.

> I have never seen a watch yet that displays the date, that doesn't keep
> track of the year. Whilst it may true that most watches don't display the
> year, when you set the date, you also set the year, precisely for the
> reason that they can keep track of leap years.

I beg to differ... oh no; I insist to differ! :-)

Most common watch chips don't keep track of the year.

I don't buy high-end watches any more; nor "geek" watches. I like a
nice analogue face with a display of the day of week; for obvious

If I want to set a computer's clock, I use a GPS receiver; which
also allows me to specify reasonable LOC data in DNS.  I know NTP is
available, but I have to use my GPS for work.

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