[plug] creating more partitions

Russ Powers russ at powerstech.com
Fri Mar 19 21:06:09 WST 2004

 --- smclevie <smclevie at ozemail.com.au> wrote:
 > Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 15:20:18 +0800
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> From: smclevie <smclevie at ozemail.com.au>
> CC: mlug at mlug.org.au
> Subject: [plug] creating more partitions
> Hi all,
> I wonder if someone could tell me the simplest and easiest way to create a 
> couple more partitions on a drive?
> The drive is fully utilized (no space not partitioned) and I want to create 
> a couple more partitions.

Parted can do this. 

However, it seems you are saying your drive is full. If the drive is full, I 
believe you will have to back up your data before you change the partitions. 
Then you will have to load the data back on to the drive with the new 
partition configuration. 

If there is more space you could just create a partition in that free space.

> How to do without pain and loss?
> It is a Debian stable with Ext3 partitions at the moment.
> Use 'parted'??  Is reliable??  No special tricks??  Will mount 
> (I think in a Windows environment one would use 'Partition Magic')
> Cheers,
> Steve.



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