[plug] [OT] Changing refresh rate to something higher than 85Hz??

James Devenish devenish at guild.uwa.edu.au
Sun Nov 14 19:54:30 WST 2004

In message <20041114114016.5D77423EE55 at ws5-4.us4.outblaze.com>
on Sun, Nov 14, 2004 at 07:40:16PM +0800, Ari Finander wrote:
> From: "Craig Foster" <fostware at westnet.com.au>
> > Is there that much of a difference above 85Hz, besides video work?
> > Sure there's a helluva difference lower than that, but I've never noticed
> > any difference above.
> I notice a big difference between 85 and 100Hz. 85Hz is uncomfortable,
> but not altogether painful/headache causing like 75Hz and below. 100Hz
> is much easier on my eyes.

Hmm...the 21" monitor I'm using at the moment runs at 100dpi but claims
(via its on-screen display) that I'm using a 68.8kHz horizontal sync
rate and 62Hz vertical refresh rate. You say you have a 19" monitor and
find 85Hz uncomfortable? If 62Hz is not uncomfortable for me, does that
mean my brain is slow?

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