[plug] Business Accounts Software

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Wed Oct 6 10:43:51 WST 2004

On Tue, 5 Oct 2004, skribe wrote:

> Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2004 18:01:10 +0800
> From: skribe <skribe at amber.com.au>
> Reply-To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> To: plug at plug.linux.org.au
> Subject: [plug] Business Accounts Software
> Hey folks:
> Can anyone recommend some business accounts software?  I've given GnuCash a 
> run and I find it a PITA. Is there anything else worth considering?
> skribe

I didn't know that Gnucash made pita bread! Brilliant! The versatility 
of software nowadays, is incredible!

Have you looked at CK-Ledger?

It may help if you state what problem(s) you encountered with GNUCash, 
to find an alternative that gets around the problem(s). If it was to do 
with the GST, I doubt that you will find many free (as in no cost to 
use) open source, business accounting software that runs on Linux, that 
is compatible with the Australian GST.

Bret Busby
West Australia

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 you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
  Chapter 28 of 
  "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
  A Trilogy In Four Parts",
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  published by Pan Books, 1992 

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