[Re: pacific & WAIX (was Re: [plug] Mandrake 10.1 local PLF and Contrib)]

Jim Householder nofixed at westnet.com.au
Sun Oct 17 21:29:24 WST 2004

James Devenish wrote:
> In message <41713166.400 at westnet.com.au>
> on Sat, Oct 16, 2004 at 10:34:14PM +0800, Jim Householder wrote:
>>Matt Kemner wrote:
>>>It should be free.
>>Is it possible they have servers not on WAIX?
> The Pacific mirror is certainly not on WAIX, but for quite a while it
> has been routed to us via Comindico (which is a WAIX participant) and
> hence goodness was to be had. I guess Comindico has basically been
> picking up the tab for us. This still appears to be the case, so I don't
> know why you were charged. Is it possible, as hinted by the Whirlpool
> thread, that there had been a temporary routing change that affected
> you. In any case, since Comindico is under administration, who knows
> what will become of its services in the future. Maybe we drove it into
> the ground with all our WAIX downloads ;-)
The abberation was a good thing in the end.  Instead of having urpmi fetch and install from the net, I am getting isos from mandrake.waixusers.net.  Same amount to download, and I have everything for my next install (Murphy says it *will* happen).


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