[plug] Looking for network card module

Marc Wiriadisastra marc-w at smlintl.com.au
Wed Sep 29 08:31:23 WST 2004

Stupid question I use a realtek card on my windblows computer and it 
works fine I've tested it on my linux computer and it works.  The 
default system on my fedora system finds it quite well.  I'll have a 
search around for that module for you.


Chris Griffin wrote:

>Card seems fine. The system I am using it on is a test system and I
>have a few different systems I run on it, via hard disk mobile racks.
>It works fine with Windblows, RedHat and Mandrake. Smoothwall just
>does not include the driver for this card. They tell you how to add it
>but you need a version compiled against the kernel it is using, which
>as of  the patches I installed last night is 2.4.27. I put a 2.4.20
>one on it and configed the system to use it but it came up with the
>message about wrong version and refused to load it. Tom Cleary
>suggested doing a modload -f on it to force it but because of the
>cutdown install, there is no modload on the system. I do have the
>source code for the drive so all I need is someone who is running a
>2.4.27 kernel who can conpile it for me or who already has the driver
>on their install. I have found the r8169.o file on a number of
>installs so far but all different kernel versions.
>On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 22:51:44 +0800, Harry
><harrymc at decisions-and-designs.com.au> wrote:
>>On Tue, 28 Sep 2004 20:55:44 +0800 Chris Griffin <griffinster at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>I have just finished applying all of the outstanding patches, which
>>>now brings the kernel up to 2.4.27. Which has still not fixed the
>>>problem with the PCI rtl 8169 card.
>>Hi Chris
>>Could the card be NFG ? Do you have another one to exclude hardware sadness ?
>>I've never used these but no-one else seems to have either judging by the
>>response to your question :-(
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