[plug] New PLUG news server

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Wed Sep 29 17:05:41 WST 2004

Cameron Patrick <cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au> writes:

>Marc Wiriadisastra wrote:

>> In regards to Cross-posting could it be that it doesn't double or 
>> re-copy the message.  I know my system blanks out a message if its 
>> doubled up.

>That's exactly what's happening.  Leafnode is only sending the post to
>the first list moderator address, rather than all of them.  I /think/
>that this is a Leafnode bug, but it might actually be what's supposed
>to happen -- I'm learning how usenet works as I go along here...

It can't send it to all of them because then you'd get "duplicate
articles". The articles shouldn't appear until they've been approved
by all the moderators.

It's long been a headache as to how to handle it "properly". In this
case, you can actually just "cheat" instead of passing it from one
approving authority to another. (There may be mention in the RFCs of
cross-posting to moderated newsgroups not being allowed.) Insert the
Approved header and post to all newsgroups as per the article header
on the server. You still need to split it off to relevant mailing

>I'm hashing out a (ghastly procmailrc) fix in the plug.test and
>plug.test.too groups; when that's working I'll apply it to plug.list
>and plug.rant too.

>An alternative might be to dive into the leafnode2 source...

There's not a lot... but I wouldn't mangle it unless you're sure you
have something compliant to contribute.

The Followup-To should be preserved. No reason at all to toss that
one out.
/"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
\ /  ASCII ribbon campaign | I'm a .signature virus!
 X   against HTML mail     | Copy me into your ~/.signature
/ \  and postings          | to help me spread!

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