[plug] New PLUG news server

Cameron Patrick cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au
Wed Sep 29 17:47:13 WST 2004

Bernd Felsche wrote:

> The Followup-To should be preserved. No reason at all to toss that
> one out.

AFAIK, the Followup-To /is/ being preserved[1], but mail clients aren't
listening to it (because following up to a mail message on a newsgroup
isn't generally supported).  Maybe we should be mangling it into an
appropriate Mail-Followup-To line... but then the PLUG lists insert a
reply-to header of their own so that most mailers will ignore the M-F-T
and reply only to the one list anyway.

Cameron.  (Who doesn't like lists which set Reply-To, but thinks that
people in general would be unhappy if the PLUG lists didn't.)

[1] Let's check... this message should have a Followup-To of plug.list
and plug.test.

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