[plug] New PLUG news server

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Wed Sep 29 18:59:24 WST 2004

Cameron Patrick <cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au> writes:

>James Devenish wrote:

>> Most of those are good policies (as discussed on this list previously
>> -- but when does 'linux.local' arise??).

>According to the source:

>        /* SuSE default hostname on some installs is linux.local */
>        || 0 == strcasecmp(f, "linux.local")

>Yay SuSE.

>> Unfortuantely, a significant 
>> number of PLUG subscribers appear to generate dubious Message-IDs (as
>> discussed on this list previously). I guess that might mean it'll be
>> an ongoing problem for us.

>One "solution" might be to have the posting script remove the message-id
>if leafnode rejects it.  That's what the gmane scripts do.

Unfortunately, that breaks the article reference between mailman and

You could rename the header, then generate one using the offender's
mangled email address. Doesn't fix the cross-reference (and
threading) unless you correct it in mailman first.

Garbage in, garbage out is the best we can do. :-(
/"\ Bernd Felsche - Innovative Reckoning, Perth, Western Australia
\ /  ASCII ribbon campaign | I'm a .signature virus!
 X   against HTML mail     | Copy me into your ~/.signature
/ \  and postings          | to help me spread!

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