[plug] Config new h/w for RAID XP and Linux

Paul Loring paul at loring.name
Fri Apr 29 07:59:46 WST 2005

That isn't quite right.

With two 160GB hard drives you can have a mixture of RAID 0 and RAID 1, eg, 
60GB of drive a and drive b could be RAID 0, ie, 120GB in all stripped across 
two drives for performance, and 100GB on each drive mirrowed for redundancy. 
The more advanced RAID types like RAID 5 and 10 require 4 drives. RAID 10 
basically stripes everything over two drives and then mirrows it all on the 
other two.

This Intel approach may be specific to this hardward, and my concern is that it 
may not be accessible to Linix.

I'm not sure of the RAID or Linux terminology, but using DOS, I could assume 
that O/S would go in their own primary partition in RAID 1, hence I would need 
one for XP another for Linux. In the past I have had a partition for 
applications and another for data, so backing up to CD was just a copy of the 
data partition. The RAID 0 would need a work file or scratch space partition, 
would this be sharable between Linux and XP? I don't know the limitations of 
sharing files between Linux and XP. Hence I don't know if I would need 
duplicate partitions for each O/S, eg, a Linux and a separate XP Games 
partition, etc?


Quoting Cameron Patrick <cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au>:

> Paul Loring wrote:
> > I have an Asus P5GD2 Deluxe motherboard which includes Intel ICH6R
> Southbridge 
> > for enabling RAID.
> http://linux.yyz.us/sata/faq-sata-raid.html#ich
> > I intend to use a combination of RAID 0 and 1, what Intel calls Matrix
> Raid, 
> > part of its Intel Application Accelerator(IAA).
> If I understand you correctly, you're suggesting RAID 1+0 (i.e. a
> RAID-1 built on top of two RAID-0 volumes)?  That requires at least 4
> drives to work.
> Most of your other questions are either beyond my knowledge, or are
> choices that only you can make (e.g. the partitioning of your data
> between different types of RAID).
> HTH,
> Cameron.
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