[plug] Gentoo latest emerge and now TINY fonts in xorg

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Thu Dec 15 11:20:41 WST 2005

Shannon Carver wrote:
> Just a quick follow up on this one:
> It appears to be the new NVIDIA drivers (8174) that are doing it:
> http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=61051&page=5
> Adding the below to my NVIDIA Device section:
>    Option   "UseEdidDpi"   "FALSE"

Most likely your monitor is buggy, then, and reports false dimensions to 
the video card. Gotta love it. "Windows doesn't use this, so rather than 
putting accurate info in we'll enter random garbage."

Craig Ringer

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