[plug] installing a module

collin at xorotude.com collin at xorotude.com
Fri Dec 30 13:45:09 WST 2005

> I want to issue all the commands on a single line to install certain
> modules. If I'm right to install a Perl file would it be:
> Perl Makefile.pl, make, make test, make install
> or do I have to issue each command on a single line?

You can do it all on one line, but you must separate each command by a ;

user at host> perl Makefile.pl; make; make test; make install

Alternatively, you can make each successive command dependant on the
success of the command before:

user at host> perl Makefile.pl && make && make test && make install

if any one of the commands fails, the rest will not be run.


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